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Death of the Kingmaker

  Death of a KingMaker  


With the battle lost the rout began, Warwick having chosen to fight on foot now had to try and reunite himself with his horse. He never made it as he was spotted by a group of Yorkist men at arms and was overpowered and killed.

Richard Neville became the Earl of Warwick through marriage, gaining large estates with his new title making him one of the most powerful men in England. With Warwick's help, Edward IV became king of England in 1461 but the deposed Henry VI regained the crown briefly in 1470 and it was through these manipulations that Richard Neville became known as "Warwick the Kingmaker".

Warwick had initial successes for the Yorkists at the Battle of St.Albans in 1455 and at Northampton in 1460 where King Henry VI was captured. That same year the Lancastrians won a victory at the battle of Wakefield where the Duke of York was killed, and later Warwick was defeated at the second Battle of St.Albans and Henry VI was released. Warwick joined the Duke of York's son Edward and entered London where Edward was crowned King Edward IV. In 1461 the Yorkist won a decisive victory at the Battle of Towton and peace ensued for three years. During this time however Edward and Warwick's relationship grew strained and after a failed attempt by Warwick to seize power after joining forces with the Duke of Clarence, Edward's brother, Warwick had to flee to France.

In France Warwick joined forces with margaret of Anjou, Henry VI's wife, and returned to England. Edward was driven into exile and Henry VI was re-crowned king. Edward returned to England in 1471 and at the battle of Barnet, defeated the Lancastrians, this was where the Kingmaker met his end.

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